Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Witness On the Balcony of Room 306

What a blessing it was to spend time with Dr. Rev. Billy Kyles.  I have had the good fortune to meet some incredible people in my life, but no one I've met had the aura surrounding himself that Billy Kyles has.  This "aura" is best described as a humble sense of self and one's place in history.   Dr. Kyles is one of those few people that when you compare his life's work to yours, you feel humbled and insignificant.  Yet, he won't allow you to feel that way about yourself.  On the contrary, he builds you up to be something better than you ever been. 

Many know that the Rev. Kyles was standing next to Dr. Martin Luther King on the balcony of the Lorraine Hotel in April of 1968 when Dr. King was assassinated.  In fact, Dr. King was on the way to Kyles' home for dinner that same evening.   But, there's so much more to the man than that.

Rev. Kyles mesmerized our student body and staff with his story and challenge of keeping "your dream" alive.  The response of the student body was one of awe, respect, and a surprising yet appropriate urge to be near, and even touch Dr. Kyles.  I will cherish forever this personal time I spent with Rev. Dr.Samuel Billy Kyles.