When you think about your life, you realize that your situations about your life don't have you down; your thoughts about your life situations have you down. Reason then tells us that we need to spend more time thinking about our thoughts. Why is it that one student in class views herself as extremely fortunate to be a student in there and another feels like the class is pure torture? We can usually find the answer in how we view the class. Do you get home each day and think to yourself, "This house is a dump and I hate living here." Or do you say, "I am so grateful to have this home." I can tell you that the house very well may be a dump, but the second person is going to probably spruce it up and make it a better place. We are all guilty of letting our thoughts lead us down a self-destructive path from time to time. The key is to be able to recognize it when we are doing it--not an easy task. It's a terrible thing to be your own worst enemy.
Let's think about what we are thinking about.
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