There are many ways we can categorize people, (and I abhor categories for people), but I must say this one caught my attention. This speaker, who ran a very successful organization, stated that the basis of their success was the fact that he had 100% buy-in from staff that everyone would do their best to be an "energy giver" at this organization. This did not mean that people did not have their bad days. No, but it did mean that everyone was conscientious of the fact that their attitudes and feelings can alter the daily atmosphere and success of the organization. And, in the end, if the results were not so satisfactory, people would still have the good fortune of working in a supportive and positive work environment. "The funny thing is," said the speaker, "that every organization, team, family etc.. that has this buy in to being 'energy givers' seems to find success." After all, when there are no "energy takers" to poison our cultures and climates with their toxic attitudes and behaviors, we liberate our organizations and take the restraints off that were holding us back.
Are we "energy givers" or "energy takers?"
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