Friday, July 13, 2012

Mental Model Awareness

As I navigate through the systems thinking and sustainability learning conference in Tucson, Arizona, I have had to come face to face with many of my own mental models.  These mental models are best described as the "undiscussable theories we all hold in our minds."  They have a major impact on our daily decisions, how we view people, situations and events.  Often, our mental models lead us down the wrong path and the awareness of them allows us to refocus.  We all have our own ladders of inference that we need to understand so our leadership leads to sustainable growth.

I recently visited the mission San Xavier Church in Tucson (built by Jesuits in 1786) on the San Xavier Pappago Indian Reservation.  The church, and much of the community, have experienced little change over the past 240 years.  I left the reservation with a sense of respect and reverence for the resilient people and their beautiful culture.