Monday, January 21, 2013

Endless Possibilities

I was asked to present with my dad at an upcoming Father/Son event at a local school.  My dad, being a graduate from this school, was a natural selection for this speaking engagement.  I, on the other hand, was not.  Still, what a great opportunity to show my appreciation for my dad and hopefully create a lasting memory for both of us.  As I prep for this talk, I have had to take inventory of my time with dad and it has been extremely worthwhile.  So many stories, events and incidents I recall that shaped me into the person I am.  Nevertheless, when I think of the best my dad always had to offer me it all comes back to the phrase, "endless possibilities."  This phrase resonates because dad gave all of his kids (6 of us) the belief and quiet confidence that we could be, do, and accomplish anything with the proper preparation and work ethic.  I have never doubted I could accomplish what I found to be a worthwhile task thanks to dad and his parenting influence.

I think this is the same thing parents want in a school.  When I ask parents what they want from our school, I never get answers like:  "I want my daughter to be proficient or advanced on the state test," or I hope they have 98% + attendance," or "I want my son to get a an 'A' in Biology."  On the contrary, I do hear that parents want their sons and daughters to "begin to find their passion," to "develop and grow in knowledge and character," and to "learn how to struggle to get to the good stuff."

I hope we are doing this at MRH High School.  I am grateful my dad was there to give me these "endless possibilities."

Monday, January 7, 2013

2013-"Bring It On!"

“I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!"-Dr. Seuss

The great Dr. Suess gets a bit aggressive with this quote and I love it!  Not because of an inference to bat wielding violence, but the idea that he is saying, "I've had enough and now it's time to act."  Most of the time when we get to the point of "having enough" it seems as if we are really fed up with ourselves and our own inaction.  "My troubles are going to have trouble with me," is a call to action with boldness.  We have all faced a point when something rises up inside of us and forces us to do something out of character.  It's an exhilarating and frightening moment in which we cross a threshold and take a stand.  It may be something so simple as not watching that silly show on TV that is really not doing anything positive for you, or it may something so bold as to stand up for someone when no one else is.  Regardless, I think we all have a desire to "take a stand" for something.  Let's be bold enough to take a stand on something that matters in 2013.  As those troubles come our way, as those negative thoughts enter our mind, it's time to welcome them and say, "Bring it 2013!  My troubles are going to have trouble with me!."